14 dicembre, 2009

And so we reach the end……..

We arrived in viareggio at 0300hrs this morning after what felt like going thruogh the washing machine, I have never seen so much spray! I had the wipers on full and still they would not clear the water, it was just solid. then the Stb wiper seized and the port one failed…great! out on deck in that lot! But alls well, and once agin magellano came through.
i will not pretend that this cruise has been easy, or even at times enjoyable ( like when you have your head in the bilge at 4am rolling and pitching thru 30 degrees), but it has done a few things….
firstly, we have seen and visted some wonderful places. We have been treated to wondeful scenery and acts of nature. we have met fabulous people and we have proved that Magellano is a force to be reckoned with……Possibly the future of cruising? I see no reason why not- the options that tis yacht gives you are great. I said half jokingly before we hads even cast off, that If Barack Obama bought a yacht it would be this one…. “YES WE CAN!!”

Some people that really deserve a mention……

Obviously all the clients and guests, but especially, Frank & Fiona Walker, It was really very nice to talk to you both and discuss the merits and pitfalls of all things boaty.
Heinz-Harald Frentzen, again very nice to meet you and to chat with you about CARS! Good luck wqith the Gumpert, I know a good home for the BCY RS6 engine you have….
Mr Missoni, Thank you for the clothing you supplied and making Magellano even more stylish- sorry we couldn’t catch you a fish!

To the Agents- all of which have been fantastic and too numerous to name all individually, but special thanks to Heny, Jaques and assc. in Sidi Bou Said- the party was wonderful, you truly looked after us as if we were royalty- and thanks for the medicine!
Nikki in Malta and his team. fantastic support, and a dealership/agent of which azimut must be very proud.
Thank you all my friends.

My shipmates….

“Capitano di Magellano, Dagellano” Dag. An honour and privilidge to sail with you- you have definately not lost it buddy, and the leaving of Portomaso was some of the finest seamanship skills I have ever seen.
Marco Tomei. The nicest man I have ever met. (and the funniest one liners ever.) a true seaman and a true friend.
Manfredo P. not a sailor, but the best photographer i have met. Again an integral part of our team, Magellano seemed empty with you gone. a bit missing. take care and good luck.
Jess Tyson. There is no one I would rather go to sea with. professional and totally dependable. Thank you Jess. X
Enzo…… although you did not join us in person- you were with us in spirit. Good luck for the future and your soon to be fatherhood.

To Azimut: thank you all for allowing me to be involved with this project. It was an honour.

and Finally to Magellano herself.

2000 miles you carried us, yes we had problems, but they wern’t your doing…..and we arrived safe and sound, thanks to you…..

I will miss you.


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13 dicembre, 2009

Not so Sunny Rome or Sunday

Its been colder here than anywhere else this trip. True we are that little further north than we have been but no more bare feet and shorts!! Its definitely acclimatization time. We have at least figured out the heating so we can keep cosy whilst we have been sitting alongside. The on/off rain and thunderstorms for most of the day have made it a grey and drab day. We were all ready to give the day a little perzazz and give a little of the Magellano magic to all the expected clients to be totally underwhelmed by anybody. Its been a dispirited affair. I felt really sorry for all the staff ashore who have been out in the very brisk conditions all day, produced some beautiful eats and plenty of hot coffee and tea available. The only appreciation for all this effort has mostly been us. There has been the odd one or two but more it would appear more out of idle curiositiy rather than any real interest in the boat. Its been a real shame and in many ways i feel a bit cheated. This was kinda the last little fling before we are off again chasing the weather window to reach Viarragio before the gales seriously set in. Its been quite a let down and now you can feel all of us, including the boat, mentally gearing up for going home and all that it entails. This should have been our swan song and go out with a bit of a bang instead of which its been a bit of a damp squib. What a pity and what a pity that Rome did not live up to its lively potential.
We are, as I write, just sorting the boat out for sea ready for the off. Last leg and homeward bound.

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13 dicembre, 2009

When in Rome…

What a strange day……

Up at dawn to ensure the boat was ready for the visitors and guests. Although a lot of- in fact most of the cleaning was done by the shore staff, there was still the task of “Missoni-ising the boat”.
8 hours later, we are still to see a single person, maybe its the weather- typically English, or a Sunday, I do not know, but all the effort by the good people here, to have no one turn up must be a bit if not a lot annoying. I know it is for us, but purely on a weather window front, the weather again is our enemy, we have had thunderstorms on and off all day and the wind is forecast to freshen considerably before the days end.

All in all, a bit of a waste of a day I am sorry to say.

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12 dicembre, 2009

Arrival Roma

Its late afternoon sun and we are havign the luxury of not having to clean the boat. I have never done so much cleaning in such a short space of time. This is a good thing as the run up was a bit bumpy to say the least. We winged through the Messina Straits with Etna looking lovely in the evening sun and then the fun of the lumpy sea began. it was made a bit more interesting by a bit of traffic around , cruise ships, cable laying ships, cargo boats. Sounding geeky but it makes the time pass on watch. Acutally the stars on this trip have been spectacular and so very very clear. Stromboli apparently also performed for us but I missed that having deceided that sleep was a more favourable option at that point. But I was not left out with the most beautiful sunrise as we approached Capri. We had a friendly ferry who is obviously not used to having to alter course. Couldnt deceide if they just wanted a closer look or just thought cos they were bigger we should move out the way despite being the stand on vessel. Either way we sped on our way to watch said ferry pass astern and then slow dramatically. Well who wouldnt want to have a closer look. The Magellano is striking to look at when in full flight. And then a glimpse of Sorrento and Mount Vesuvius to starboard. There was however nature’s own spectacle which rivaled that in the form of the most spectacular thunderhead over one of the islands and as we went through the Canal di Pesora it produced about 3 or 4 water spouts dipping down from the clouds. This is what cruising is about because even with the weather being a little fresher but sunny you will always be given these little gems!! Bacon butties and tea for breakfast set us all up for the day which has been distinctly brisk but beautifully sunny all the way up to Porto Romano. We are now sitting along side refuelling before we move to tie up for the night. Its turning into a lovely winter evening so looking forward to a hot shower and a good meal before a good night sleep. The excitment starts again tomorrow with more clients. The Magellano continues to impress in all weathers and despite some issues arising she is a boat of class and immense potential. Time is beginning to run out for this adventure and so there is certain sense of impending loss with the imminient departure in a few days. But excitment at going home, seeing family and relaxing. Gonna make the most of it.

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12 dicembre, 2009


Having never been to this special island and having heard so much about it, I was looking to this port of call. And it did not disappoint in any way. The spectacular scenery as we came down the coast, the tight but cosy and very impressive Portomaso marina and of course Grand Harbour. Its simpley breathtaking and you just continue to be amazed once you start delving into the very colourful history of this island. We were treated to the warmest of welcomes and looked after so beautifully that it makes it a destination of the future. Thankyou especially to Nicky, Anton, Anne Marie, all the guys at boatcare and just everyone. You made it a memorable few days. We did have our work cut out with quite exciting entrys and exits with the weather being not as smooth as might have been liked but the Magellano handled it with great aplomb. When you are tearing along in a force 5 and rough seas its a buzz when the boat you are on really shows her paces and style. It was fun. And being so ideally placed at Portomaso we only had to fall ashore for a wide selection of dining choices ranging from a steak house to a sushi bar, chinese, pizzeria or the Hilton which towered above us.. The full breakfast there when we first arrived having had a fresh night at sea was a really good way to start the stay in Malta, although felt slightly incongrious in our shorts and t shirt compared to the business suits and smart attire surrounding us!! But we are the Magellano so it mattered not. So off we have bolted chasing the weather window for the run up to Rome. Early start so a sunrise to look forward and some familiar places on the way up to spot. Roma here we come.

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