29 novembre, 2009

From Cambrils to Palma, passing Dragonera…..

I am finding it hard to believe that we are fast approaching December, the Italians and the Spanish all think Jess and I are crazy ape bonkers for walking round in T-shirts and shorts, but Its 22 degrees- better than our summer!!
Cambrils is a great place that really comes alive after dark, fantastic restaurants serving the freshest fish, which was apparently very good (not being a fish person- I stuck to the steak, which was very good) and all the people that we met were all very nice and helped out by patiently listening to my rubbish attempts at Spanish before smiling nicely and pretending to understand!
We had some help in cleaning Magellano on the first 2 days which was greatly received after our busy night at sea, but today we cleaned her down ready for our final guests to come aboard.
Something very strange has happened…… I have become very house proud, Magellano is such a fantastic looking yacht that even the smallest smear or smudge has me running for the cleaning cloths!
We are appraoching Dragonera, and all I can say is that this is certainly a breath taking sight, just one of the many that we have been presented with since embarking on this odyssey.
The taste of adventure breeds a longing for adventure and Magellano provides us all with the ability to search, find and enjoy the adventure.
We are, as I write steaming at 21 knots heading for Palma. Breakfast in Cambrils, supper in Palma!


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25 novembre, 2009

Setting out with Magellano

Setting out on a voyage with any new yacht is always an interesting experience. There is so much to learn about the systems and the way the yacht performs. Past experience with other yachts can shorten the learning process a great deal but with Magellano we were having to learn how this new hull design would perform. I had every confidence in Bill Dixon as a designer, he has so much experience but I wanted to look at Magellano from a seaman’s point of view. Designed as a long range cruising yacht it was very important to understand how Magellano would perform in adverse conditions as well as in fine conditions.



On the run up from Viareggio to Varezze we had a wide variety of conditions ranging from Calm to lively seas. This is normal Mediterranean weather in the winter. In The calm and slight sea conditions we could wind up Magellano to its top speed of around 24 knots and she behaved well and predictably. The acceleration is quite surprising for what looks like a displacement design. It accelerates like a sports boat and it turns smoothly and easily so it really is a fun boat to drive.

This was a good time to check out the impact of the interceptors on the performance. The interceptors are used to adjust the fore and aft trim and by experimenting we found that we could get an increase in speed of around 1 knot at intermediate speeds when the interceptors were half down. This could be significant on a long cruise because it show the yacht is running more efficiently. There did not appear to be much effect by varying the interceptor settings at low and high speeds but it would pay to fine tune the trim whenever setting out on a long run to find the optimum setting.


In the lively seas when we encountered the winds flowing down the valleys around Genoa the yacht handling the conditions very well at time the wind was force 5, generating quite a rough sea with a lot of white crests. The yacht handled this well although there was a lot of spray. We were running at 16 knots and with the stabilisers on the yacht remained upright and steady and it was possible to walk about without holding on most of the time. It was impressive performance from 74 footer.

With the wind on the bow the spray was sweeping over the windscreen but the wipers coped well. To see the difference we switched off the stabilisers and there was a noticeable reduction in the spray suggesting that the hull was moving and absorbing more of the shock of wave impact. Of course the movement of the yacht was more lively but it was still comfortable and the difference between the movement with the stabilisers on and off was not as much as I would have thought.

So we built up a lot of confidence with that first run and the time spent in Varazze doing demonstration runs showed just how well the yacht handled in tight spaces in marinas. Using the joystick control it was possible to park Magellano within inches of where you wanted it to be. As always it took some time to build up confidence in the system but it is great to have this level of control when you are entering a strange marina on a cruise.


Leaving Varezze was our first chance at a long run in Magellano, the first serious test for the yacht. It was late morning when we left, heading down the coast to San Remo for refuelling. It was an exciting voyage along this scenic coastline with the wind coming down off the mountains creating very changeable wind conditions. We were running at 16 knots but at one time we had to slow to 14.5 because of the deterioration in the sea conditions.

The yacht was coping well with the head sea conditions and once again we experienced very little movement in the yacht. It was only after we left San Remo in the late afternoon that the conditions started to deteriorate. The wind was right on the nose, right on the bow and with the wind freshening we were heading into 2 metre waves. Still the yacht coped well and we were maintaining 15.5 knots in these adverse conditions a very creditable speed in conditions that might have challenged a planning hull.

However the forecast for the winds was deteriorating with a fast developing low pressure and with a couple of problems showing up, the prudent t5hing was to go to Cannes and ride out the storm. We got into Cannes at 1015 and our decision to run for shelter proved to be the right one when it was blowing at 35 knots the next morning.

Magellano has passed its first test and every hour at sea is making me feel more comfortable with this yacht. I am now confident about its performance and 16 knots appears to be a reasonable speed for long range cruising. The yacht has certainly proved that it can handle rough conditions so when we set out in the morning on our run to Gambrills in Spain I am going to sea with a great deal of confidence even though the forecast is not as good as I would like. That storm we had appears to have moved to the Spanish coast so we may get some lively sea on the way but hopefully by then we will be under the shelter of the coast.

It seems strange to start a new love affair at the age of 76 but I can feel that I am falling very much in love with Magellano.

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24 novembre, 2009

Trasferimento a Cannes

Ieri tappa di trasferimento a Cannes.
Si fa presto a dire “Andar per mare”…ma quando il vento soffia e le onde si rompono sulla prua del Magellano
l’avventura incomincia. La Barca non si muove nonostante i 20 nodi di vento e fila dritta fra le onde.
Domani partiamo per Cambrill.
24 h: di navigazione.
Alla prossima.

verso poppa

_DSC8794 copia

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21 novembre, 2009

24 ore alla partenza

Quello che sicuramente mi mancherà è una bella passeggiata  sulla terraferma !


il mare

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20 novembre, 2009

Eagle has landed!!

Well, we arrived and Alex managed admirabley NOT to scream the plane down. In fact given that there was a fear of flying I thought that my leg would be crushed but not a bit of it. Total pro.
And off we went to the hotel to drop stuff. the taxi driver defintiely didnt believe me when I told him that it was close to the marina and had to stop at least twice to ask!! Couldnt really miss the marina and nestled away was THE YACHT! Luxury and class. And so much space and air. That was on the inside. Wow! Great vision and boy am I gonna enjoy finding out how this baby works. I like! Lots of lovely gadgets and mod cons. Its gonna be fun. Met Marco and Enzo who were friendly and before we could draw breath we were hard at it swabbing decks getting it ship shape and bristol fashion. Cant wait to take her to sea and try her paces.

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